Aircraft Wrecks The Walkers Guide: Historic Crash Sites on the Moors and Mountains of the British Isles - Book Front Cover (Paperback)


The site was started back in October 2000 to detail visits that were being made to aircraft crash sites in the Peak District. Since that time it has undergone a number of changes, becoming the Peak District Air Accident Research website during 2004. The focus of this site is still largely about detailing aircraft crash sites that we have visited, both in the Peak District and the high ground areas of the rest of the UK. Outside of the Peak District only crash sites which one or all of us have visited are recorded whereas in our home area we have tried to record all of the known incidents involving powered aircraft.

12th February
On this day in history

Crash sites have been visited in the following regions/areas:

Isle of Man: 15 crash sites.
Lake District: 28 crash sites.
Midlands: 26 crash sites.
North West England: 5 crash sites.
North Yorkshire Moors: 15 crash sites.
Peak District: 173 crash sites.
Pennines: 83 crash sites.
Scotland: 128 crash sites.
Wales: 62 crash sites.
Projects & Recoveries: 6 crash sites.

Most Recent Update 16th March 2023
Anson Mk.I MG386, Scotland
Meteor F. Mk.4 VT239, Pennines
B-17G 44-83325, Scotland
Oxford Mk.II X7064, Wales
Hector K8096, Lake District