Vickers Wellington Mk.III BK508 of No.27 OTU, crashed at Radbourne to the East of Church Broughton during the early evening of the 4th April 1943 while on an air test from Church Broughton

Vickers Wellington Mk.X at the Royal Air Force Museum


Frank Law Sergeant RAFVR Pilot Survived
Peter Adolphus White Sergeant RAFVR Air Bomber Killed


The aircraft which had been on a test flight from Church Broughton was on the down wind leg of its approach with the under carriage down for landing when the starboard engine failed. With insufficient speed and height to turn back towards the aircraft the pilot raised the undercarriage and attempted to force land the aircraft in a field, he was however unable to avoid striking a tree which caused the aircraft to burst into flames killing Sgt White.

The crash site is most likely to be one identified as being a Wellington near Mickleover on the edge of Derby as details from eye witnesses match those recorded by the RAF in relation to this aircraft, also whereas most of the crash sites in this area lay within the Repton registration district Sgt White’s death was registered in the Shardlow district which covered the area where this crash occurred.

Crash site of Vickers Wellington Mk.III BK508 near Church Broughton, Derbyshire
Above is a photo showing the crash site, the aircraft slid into the gap between the trees, running across the photo is a now filled in ditch with a low bank behind it, a section of this bank just to the right of centre was removed by the aircraft as it slid to a halt.
Crash site of Vickers Wellington Mk.III BK508 near Church Broughton, Derbyshire
This shot looking across the site, the aircraft approached from behind and slightly to the right of shot.