Armstrong Whitworth Atlas Mk.I J9043 of No.26 (Army Co-operation) Squadron, RAF, crashed on Grinton Moor in North Yorkshire on the 6th November 1928


Charles Lilburn Myers Pilot Officer Pilot Killed
Henry Chadwick Aircraftman 2nd Class Mechanic? Killed


The aircraft was on a flight from RAF Catterick, near Richmond, when in poor weather a little over 10 miles from the airfield it dived near vertically into the ground killing both of the crew.  The Air Ministry statement relating to the crash identified P/O Myers as the pilot but not the role of AC2 Chadwick.  The aircraft was 1 of 12 Atlas Mk.Is built for delivery to No.26 Squadron, these being J9039 to J9050.

Pilot Officer Charles Myers had been involved in a previous accident when in training at RAF Sealand when he force landed Bristol Fighter J8432 at Matlock in Derbyshire. That aircraft was destroyed when he attempted to take off again and struck a stone wall.

Wreckage at the crash site of Armstrong Whitworth Atlas J9043, Grinton Moor, Yorkshire
Very little remains visible at the crash site today, only the three pieces shown in the photograph and one other small panel just out of shot.