Crash site of Airspeed Oxford BM837 on Winter Hill, Bolton, Lancashire

24th December 1943
Oxford Mk.I BM837
No.410 Sqn, RCAF
Winter Hill, Lancashire

Flt Lt Cybulski appeared in the famous photograph of Mosquito DZ757, RA-Q, with most of the canvas burnt off the aircraft and no rudder. This occured when he attacked a … Continue reading “1943-12-24|Oxford Mk.I|BM837|No.410 Sqn, RCAF|Winter Hill, Lancashire”

Wreckage at the crash site of Supermarine Spitfire SM278 on Arden Great Moor, North Yorkshire

16th September 1945
Spitfire Mk.XVI SM278
No.567 Sqn, RAF
Arden Great Moor

The pilot was returning the aircraft from Acklington to Manston following the celebration of Battle of Britain day at the former.