Tag: Knettishall
10th December 1944
B-17G 42-97286
388th BG, USAAF
Beinn Nuis, Isle of Arran
In the crash report there are three versions of the crew list which contradict each other so the above may not be entirely correct. The crew of the aircraft were … Continue reading “1944-12-10|B-17G|42-97286|388th BG, USAAF|Beinn Nuis, Isle of Arran”
17th May 1945
B-17G 44-8683
388th BG, USAAF
Great Whernside, North Yorkshire
Following the end of the war in Europe many units were winding down or in some cases preparing to move to the Far East where the war was continuing against … Continue reading “1945-05-17|B-17G|44-8683|388th BG, USAAF|Great Whernside, North Yorkshire”