Tag: Mustang
29th November 1942
Mustang Mk.I AP208
No.4 Sqn, RAF
Holdron Moss, Lancashire
North American Mustang Mk.I AP208 of No.4 Squadron RAF flew into Holdron Moss in the Forest of Bowland on the 29th November 1942 whilst on a photographic training flight from Clifton near York Sohlto Paton Marlatt Flying Officer RCAF Pilot Killed
15th December 1942
Mustang Mk.I AG586
No.613 Sqn, RAF
Fountains Earth Moor, North Yorkshire
The pilot was on a formation flying exercise from RAF Ouston in Northumberland, in poor weather he became separated from the rest of the flight and being unable to locate … Continue reading “1942-12-15|Mustang Mk.I|AG586|No.613 Sqn, RAF|Fountains Earth Moor, North Yorkshire”
14th February 1945
Mustang Mk.III FX931
No.61 OTU, RAF
High Bentham, North Yorkshire
Sergeant Struniewski, a member of the Polish Air Force and on No.54 Course at 61 OTU, was briefed, along with four other pilots, for a day cross country flight from … Continue reading “1945-02-14|Mustang Mk.III|FX931|No.61 OTU, RAF|High Bentham, North Yorkshire”
15th February 1945
Mustang Mk.IV KH838
No.14 FPP, ATA
Wrightington, Lancashire
On the 15th February 1945 23 year old Third Officer Fairman was flying the second leg of a ferry flight of a brand new North American Mustang Mk.IV from Lockheed … Continue reading “1945-02-15|Mustang Mk.IV|KH838|No.14 FPP, ATA|Wrightington, Lancashire”
29th July 1945
Mustang Mk.III SR411
No.316 Sqn, RAF
Darwen Moor, Lancashire
On the 28th July 1945 four aircraft from No.316 Squadron had taken off from RAF Coltishall in Norfolk and flown to air stations elsewhere in the country. One of these … Continue reading “1945-07-29|Mustang Mk.III|SR411|No.316 Sqn, RAF|Darwen Moor, Lancashire”