Crash site of Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV L9261 on Sandness Hill, Walls, Shetland

3rd September 1941
Blenheim Mk.IV L9261
No.235 Sqn, RAF
Sandness Hill, Shetland

The crew of the aircraft had taken off from RAF Sumburgh at the southern end of the Shetland Mainland at 22:00 on the 2nd September 1941 to carry out an … Continue reading “1941-09-03|Blenheim Mk.IV|L9261|No.235 Sqn, RAF|Sandness Hill, Shetland”

crash site of Catalina Z2148 on Willa-mina Hoga, Isle of Yell, Shetland

19th January 1942
Catalina Mk.I Z2148
No.240 Sqn, RAF
Isle of Yell, Shetland

The crew of the aircraft had flown from their normal home station of RAF Castle Archdale on Lough Erne to RAF Invergordon on the Cromarty Firth north of Inverness before … Continue reading “1942-01-19|Catalina Mk.I|Z2148|No.240 Sqn, RAF|Isle of Yell, Shetland”

Crash site of Consolidated Catalina JX210, Hill of Garth, Sullom Voe, Shetland

25th March 1944
Catalina Mk.IVA JX210
No.210 Sqn, RAF
Hill of Garth, Shetland Islands

Catalina JX210 was flying from the seaplane base in Sullom Voe at the northern end of Mainland in the Shetland Islands on an air test when it stalled and dived … Continue reading “1944-03-25|Catalina Mk.IVA|JX210|No.210 Sqn, RAF|Hill of Garth, Shetland Islands”

Undercarriage at the crash site of de Havilland Mosquito DZ642 on Royl Field, Clift Hills, Shetland

22nd November 1944
Mosquito Mk.IV DZ642
No.627 Sqn, RAF
Royl Field, Shetland

On the 22nd November 1944 nine aircraft from No.627 Squadron were tasked to take part in an attack on U-Boat pens at Trondheim, though 2 were cancelled and 1 landed … Continue reading “1944-11-22|Mosquito Mk.IV|DZ642|No.627 Sqn, RAF|Royl Field, Shetland”