Tag: Wildcat
2nd December 1944
Wildcat Mk.V JV499
No.778 Sqn, RN
Blackside, Ayrshire
The 22 year old pilot was returning to No.778 Squadron’s home station of HMS Condor (RNAS Arbroath) from RAF Ayr on Saturday the 2nd December 1944. At some point during … Continue reading “1944-12-02|Wildcat Mk.V|JV499|No.778 Sqn, RN|Blackside, Ayrshire”
11th September 1945
Wildcat Mk.V JV404
No.898 Sqn, RN
Bennan, Dumfries & Galloway
On the 11th September 1945 a number of Grumman Wildcats set out from HMS Blackcap at Stretton in Cheshire on a ferry flight to HMS Wagtail at Ayr. During that … Continue reading “1945-09-11|Wildcat Mk.V|JV404|No.898 Sqn, RN|Bennan, Dumfries & Galloway”