Miles Martinet T.T. Mk.I MS554 of No.1691 Flight, RAF, crashed on West Bolton Moor in the Yorkshire Dales on 4th December 1943


John Arthur Colin Kemmett Flight Sergeant Pilot Killed
Arthur Theodore Barnson Leading Aircraftman RCAF Passenger Killed


The pilot and passenger were engaged on a weather reconnaissance flight from RAF Dalton when they became lost in lost cloud and flew into the ground on West Bolton Moor between Wensleydale and Swaledale. It was some two weeks before the wrecked aircraft was discovered. The Form 1180 records that the aircraft had no navigational aids, with the pilot navigating by dead reckoning.

Wreckage at the crash site of Miles Martinet MS554 on West Bolton Moor in the Yorkshire Dales
The site has two groups of wreckage, this one contains a section of the exhaust collector ring and some cowling panels.
At least one has the remains of the distinctive yellow and black Target Towing colour scheme on it.
Target Towing winch drum from Miles Martinet MS554 on West Bolton Moor in the Yorkshire Dales
One of the smaller pieces is this part of the target towing cable drum and brake.
Engine fire wall at the crash site of Miles Martinet MS554 on West Bolton Moor in the Yorkshire Dales
A short distance from the other wreckage is this section of the engine fire wall.
Larger collection of wreckage at the crash site on West Bolton Moor, Yorkshire Dales, of Miles Martinet MS554
Close by is the second collection of wreckage with a burst fuel tank and numerous other pieces.
Magnesium casting from Miles Martinet MS554 on West Bolton Moor in the Yorkshire Dales
The last larger item we discovered was this Magnesium casting.