Avro Anson Mk.I N5032 of No.1 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit, RAF, crashed near Craigencallie on the 1st September 1943


Ronald Hunter McArthur Sergeant Pilot Survived
Manning Sergeant Navigator Survived
Crosby Sergeant Wireless Operator Survived
Sidney Arthur Bussey Sergeant Wireless Operator / Air Gunner Killed
Jack Arthur Coombes Sergeant Wireless Operator / Air Gunner Killed


The crew were on a night navigation exercise from RAF Wigtown, they were returning to their base but overshot on a northerly heading and flew into high ground to the North of Newton Stewart at around 22:00. After it failed to return to Wigtown the aircraft was declared overdue. At 00:30 on the 2nd September the station’s Medical Officer was informed and he assembled a search party. They met with the local Police in Newton Stewart to begin searching at first light.

The search teams located the crash site at 12:30, by that time Sgt Crosby had, despite head injuries and a broken bone in his right foot, been able to make his own way off the hill, arriving at Craigencallie.

Wreckage at the crash site of Avro Anson N5032 near Craigencallie, Newton Stewart
Most of the remaining wreckage is gathered together, but some panels, like this one, lie scattered close by.
Wreckage at the crash site of Avro Anson N5032 near Craigencallie, Newton Stewart
Another of the scattered pieces, this is a section of aluminium channel with the remains of a steel framework attachment.
Wreckage at the crash site of Avro Anson N5032 near Craigencallie, Newton Stewart
The main bulk of the remaining wreckage is in a patch of rocks, lying on top of one of them are the remains of both engine oil coolers.
Wedged between the rocks is a rocker cover from one of the engines.
Grave of Sergeant Sidney Arthur Bussey at Newton Stewart Cemetery
Sergeant Bussey was buried at Newton Stewart Cemetery, above is his grave.