Lockheed P-38G Lightning 42-12905 of the 78th Fighter Group crashed on Dunsop Fell on the 26th January 1943


Henry L. Perry Jr 1st Lieutenant Pilot Killed


The aircraft was one of a number of aircraft being ferried from Goxhill near Hull to Langford Lodge in Northern Ireland, it collided with a second aircraft, 42-12928 and crashed on open moorland on Dunsop Fell.  The second aircraft crashed some distance away on Baxton Fell.

Wreckage from P-38 42-12905 at the crash site on Dunsop Fell near Slaidburn, Lancashire
Not much remains at the crash site today, though for a P-38 it is not bad.
See the LAIT page about this aircraft for further details about this crash.
Wreckage from P-38 42-12905 at the crash site on Dunsop Fell near Slaidburn, Lancashire
Another view of where the aircraft crashed.
Engine nacelle parts from 42-12905 at the crash site on Dunsop Fell near Slaidburn, Lancashire
Some distance away is another collection of wreckage, this consists mainly of items from an engine nacelle, though not visible clearly, in the centre of the photo is a small section of engine fire wall. It has been suggested that this aircraft broke up after the collision or it could have struck the moor here with an engine being torn off and the aircraft travelling on.