Auster J/1U Workmaster G-APMJ crashed on Dungeon Hill near Loch Enoch on the 18th October 1963

Auster Workmaster G-APMJ before it was written off - copyright Gerald Lawrence via Tony Clark
Image: Gerald Lawrance via Tony Clarke


Charles Brook Mr Unknown Killed
James Graham Mr Unknown Killed


The aircraft was owned by Cumberland Aviation Services at Carlisle airport and was being used by a member of the flying club there to fly to Macrihanish near Campbeltown. The pilot, who did not hold an instrument rating and only had 70 hours of flying experience, had been briefed by a club instructor that the flight was to be entirely in VFR and should poor weather be encountered he should either fly an alternative route around the coast or return to Carlisle.

The weather forecast was for a cold front moving eastwards across the area with some areas of low cloud and occasional rain showers, together with gusty winds.

The two men boarded the aircraft and took off at 09:37, the flight to Campbeltown should have taken close to 2 hours. About 1 hour into the flight the aircraft was seen flying northwest in the Dalry area, the witness stated that the aircraft was heading into deteriorating weather and was obviously drifting in the strong wind. The next sighting, an aircraft matching the description of G-APMJ, was 45 minutes later flying south-southwest in the Loch Doon area, at this time the high ground south of Loch Doon was obscured by cloud.

When the aircraft failed to arrive at Machrihanish or return to Carlisle it was reported missing and a search was initiated and the crash site was located the following morning. The aircraft had crashed close to the highest point of the col between Dungeon Hill and Craignairny. The AIB investigation indicated that the aircraft was flying with a nose up attitude and the engine was developing “considerable power” but that the aircraft was descending. This was probably due to a down draught in the lee of the hill.

Wreckage at the crash site of Auster Workmaster G-APMJ on Dungeon Hill near Glen Trool, Dumfries and Galloway
A boggy hollow contains pieces of aluminium and steel structure from the aircraft.
The item in the centre is one of the struts between the undercarriage and wings.
Wreckage at the crash site of Auster Workmaster G-APMJ on Dungeon Hill near Glen Trool, Dumfries and Galloway
One of the larger items is this section of the tail fin.
Wreckage at the crash site of Auster Workmaster G-APMJ on Dungeon Hill near Glen Trool, Dumfries and Galloway
Another larger item is the now badly rusted engine firewall.
Many of the steel parts are in poor state and some of the framework has completely broken down.
Wreckage at the crash site of Auster Workmaster G-APMJ on Dungeon Hill near Glen Trool, Dumfries and Galloway
One of the few remaining pieces of framework is this part which looks like the base of the tail and oleo mount.